Monday, April 27, 2009


Okay, so I know religion is a touchy subject for a lot of people. Just last week I told a friend of mine that I was going back to Church and his response was "Why? It's a waste of time." And you know what? I used to feel the exact same way. I was raised Roman Catholic. I went to a Catholic grade school and highschool. I sang in church choirs right up through college. Most recently I began to get turned off to Church by the way the cantors acted towards each other. There were all these rivalries between singers. It got to the point that it didn't feel like singing to worship God anymore. And then we went through 3 priest changes in about two years. I didn't feel right in that Church anymore. I didn't feel anything when I would leave there.

A few years ago, a co-worker at a past job of mine invited me to see the Passion Play at her Church. I went and it was awesome. So she invited me to the Wednesday night worship services they have. I LOVED IT!!! It's a Non-denominational Church. They have an amazing music ministry! The Pastor even plays the electric guitar in it! They sing these awesome songs of worship that some might call contemporary Christian music. I walked away from it feeling refreshed in faith and that I had learned something. I fell away from that for a while. Two months ago out of the blue, that same person called me up and asked me to come to a Sunday service with her. So I did. She invited me to the women's breakfast that the church organized and I had a blast. This past Sunday, my friend's baby was dedicated and it was just so amazing! I love it there. The Pastor's wife, who is also a Pastor, came over to me and gave me the biggest hug and said "I'm so glad to see you here." Things like that mean a lot. I just love the way I feel when I am leaving there. I might start going on Wednesdays and Sundays.

This is a really great article written by the Pastor of the Rock Church that I am now going to. It's about why people leave their churches. Check it out if you have time.


Jill said...

You're right -- religion is a touchy subject for a lot of people, but I'm glad you shared this. Regardless of how we feel about religion, I think it's admirable any time people reflect upon their faith, however they seek and find it.